Update: I was holding off on posting this because I wanted to see if maybe anything would change again, but it's been over 48 hours now so I'm assuming it won't. This Monday I was carrying my DSi around with me in case I ran into any electronic stores that offered tech support for videogames (since the warranty is expired anyway and I'm genuinely scared of having to ship my DSi anywhere) and I did in fact pass by one. When talking to the clerk and explaining the problem, she didn't quite understand what I meant, so I went to show her... and it wasn't doing it anymore. I'm not entirely sure why, considering it'd been over 24 hours since I tried the system update and I had tested it several times before then and it always did the same thing, but the point is the problem has seemingly gone away on its own. Whatever it was, it was probably software based, I'm assuming? Anyway I just thought I'd post here in case anyone runs into this thread at any point and wonders what happened in the end. If this happens to anyone, I can only suggest to try to wait it out (in my case it was a whole weekend), or maybe do a system update if possible. Either way thank you to the person who posted with Nintendo's number, I ended up not making that phone call, but it was good to have the number handy in case I decided to.